CARMA Seminar

11:00 am

Friday, 9th Aug 2019

V107, Mathematics Building

Prof. James McCoy

(School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, The University of Newcastle)

The ideal curve flow of closed curves in the plane

We consider an L2-gradient flow of closed planar curves whose corresponding evolution equations is sixth order. Given a smooth initial curve we show that the solution to the flow exists for all time and, provided the length of the evolving curve remains bounded, smoothly converges to a multiply-covered circle. Moreover, we show that curves in any homotopy class with initially small L3‖ks‖2 enjoy a uniform length bound under the flow, yielding the convergence result in these cases. We also give some partial results for figure-8 type solutions to the flow. This is joint work with Ben Andrews, Glen Wheeler and Valentina-Mira Wheeler.