CARMA Seminar

12:00 pm

Tuesday, 20th Aug 2019

VG10, Mathematics Building

Dr David Allingham

CARMA Technical: What it means for you

One of CARMA's goals is to foster an environment which provides guidance and support for what we might call "technical research issues". Broadly, this has meant that CARMA has used its resources to offer its members technical capabilities which were not readily available elsewhere, such as collaborative file-sharing, accessible "rich videoconferencing", web site hosting and web app development, high-performance computing, research software and visualisation tools like 3-D rendering and 3-D printing. Over the past 10 years, some of these resources have become available from other sources, including the University of Newcastle, and for those facilities, CARMA provides guidance about how to access and use them, as well as for other university systems.

This talk will cover the technical services which CARMA can help you with.

This is a talk for CARMA members, and a light lunch will be served at the start. Please RSVP for catering purposes to Juliane Turner(

RHD students are particularly encouraged to attend; please pass this on to your students if they are not already engaged with CARMA.