Indigenising University Mathematics 3

6-8 November 2024 at La Trobe University

Indigenising University Mathematics 3 (IUM3) will be held at La Trobe University in Bundoora, 6-8 November 2024. This year, IUM3 will be cast around the visit to the Australian continent of A/Prof Edward Doolittle, who will share understandings he has come to around Creation, Indigenous Mathematics, and the Intersectional spaces in which we attempt to Indigenise Mathematics.

Registration details will be added here soon. For more information contact

Edward Doolittle

Biography: Associate Professor Edward Doolittle is Kanyen'keha:ka (Mohawk) from Six Nations in southern Ontario. He earned a PhD in pure mathematics (partial differential equations) from the University of Toronto in 1997.

From then until 2001 he worked for Queen's University's Aboriginal Teacher Education Program, helping to administer the program and teaching Indigenous Mathematics Education, and from 2000 to 2001 he studied the Mohawk language in immersion with Onkwewenna Kentsyohkwa (Our Language Group) on Six Nations.

From 2001 he has been on the faculty of First Nations University and the University of Regina, currently as Associate Professor of Mathematics and Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

He is a Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), a recipient of the Adrien Pouliot Award from the CMS, and a recipient of a Governor General's Gold Medal from the Governor General of Canada.

Provisional program

Day (in AEST)Morning sessionAfternoon
Wednesday 6 NovIUM3: CreationSatellite event
Thursday 7 NovIUM3: Indigenous MathematicsSatellite event
Friday 8 NovIUM3: the Intersection