The 11th AMSI Summer School will be held from 7th January to 1st February 2013 at The University of Melbourne. The School is an exciting opportunity for students to improve their mathematical skills and meet other students. The program is packed with additional events - BBQs, guest lectures, a careers session, the annual dinner and more.
Registration for the school is now open at Participants are advised to register and make travel arrangements early as Melbourne is a popular destination in January.
A large number of travel and accommodation scholarships are available, please indicate whether you are applying for these when you register.
All postgraduate students (as well as staff) are welcome, even if you have attended an AMSI summer school in the past.
CARMA is pleased to welcome our new member of staff, Dr Michael Coons.
Michael completed his BA in Mathematics at The University of Montana, Missoula, and his BS in Mathematics at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. In 2005, Michael won a Fulbright Fellowship to study number theory at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Michael obtained his PhD from Simon Fraser University in 2009, writing a thesis titled "Parity, transcendence, and multiplicative functions." Prior to becoming a Lecturer at Newcastle, he held a Fields-Ontario Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Fields Institute and the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.
Michael's research interests lie in number theory as broadly defined though he can usually be found working in arithmetic functions, transcendental number theory, or Diophantine approximation (specifically in the context of Mahler's method).
On Monday the 12th of March, 2012, the Centre for Optimal Planning and Operations (C-OPT) was officially launched in the Great Hall (Purdue Room) at the University's Callaghan Campus. The Centre is affiliated with the Priority Research Centre for Computer-Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications (CARMA) and focuses on expanding industry-motivated and industry-linked research, primarily in the infrastructure, transport, and logistics sectors.
The event included seminars by leading academic and industry experts in the area of optimisation and business analytics and was attended by representatives of many local and national companies and academics from several of the top universities in Australia.
The programme of the launch can be found here.
Margaret Throsby from ABC Classic FM will be interviewing Professor Celia Hoyles live on air on Wednesday 15th February, 12:00-1:00pm AEDT. Margaret is one of Australia's most popular and admired broadcasters, with a career encompassing both radio and television.
Professor Hoyles is the former mathematics advisor to the UK Government. She recently spoke at the AMSI national forum, Maths for the future: Keep Australia competitive, about measures employed in the UK that have improved standards, reversed teacher shortages and increased enrolments in the mathematical sciences.
For information on how to listen in your area, visit
Congratulations again! This should be a prestige and sales boost for the book. Kitty (Research Librarian La Sierra)"
Science & Technology
Borwein, Jonathan M. Convex functions: constructions, characterizations and counterexamples", by Jonathan M. Borwein and Jon D. Vanderwerff. Cambridge, 2010. 521p bibl index (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications, 109); ISBN 9780521850056, $130.00. Outstanding Title!
Reviewed in 2011jun CHOICE.